A few days before Christmas I went shopping in Harvard Square to pick up a few stocking stuffers. As I came out of the T I was greeted by a group of college girls bearing posters of Obama with a Hitler mustache superimposed on his face and the canned line, "The climate sure has changed for Obama hasn't it?" Their demonizing is stupefying and revealing of this age's fickleness. It's not just the libertarians that are upset though — it seems like the whole world has decided to point its finger to the West for Copenhagen's failure. It's easy to see our fault in sidelining the issue for an overdrawn debate on marginally improved health care while the rest of the world moved on an agenda that's been years in planning. But that's politics, and as I learned this summer, the same self-serving agendas play out the world over. While we were infighting, China played their cards well and got what they wanted. The Guardian has posted an excellent account of how it went down here.