I'm thankful to all the people in the industry who took a risk on us. It's not easy for large corporations to trust a start up made of Young Turks. I'm thankful to every interior designer that decided to give us a try. I'm thankful for my co-founding friends — Jonathan (shown left in the photo above), Jamie and Andy — who each brought their own energy and expertise to the venture and believed that a designer like me was valuable to the mix. I'm grateful for all the faith and hard work every employee at Tricycle has given to make it a success in the midst of huge challenges. Lastly I'm thankful to Ellen Lupton & Matilda McQuaid for taking note and placing the company in a larger cultural context.
In 2006 I spoke at the AIGA GAIN business and design conference in New York City. I was one face of designers having an impact in the world through sustainable design. Tom Kelley moderated the event. As it turns out he was the first IDEOer I ever met and I had no idea that I'd be calling him my colleague two years later or that the journey I had started would lead me to where I am today. In retrospect it all makes perfect sense (right?). Here's the video so you can see what it's all about.
R. Michael Hendrix from Tricycle at AIGA GAIN 2006 on Vimeo.