A Soccer Calendar that Rocks

The World Cup started yesterday and prompted me to post this. Earlier this year Suzanne from The Ucal McKenzie Breakaway Foundation asked me and my colleague Ian Dapot to contribute designs to her 2011 calendar. She posted a sneak peak on Facebook yesterday, so here's mine:
I'm admittedly a bigger fan of rock and roll than the beautiful game, so it's the overlap of the two that inspire me. Queen has become the defacto spirit music for sports so I sought out the original 7" singles for We Will Rock You and We are the Champions. I loved the poetic connection of two 45 minute halves to two 45 rpm singles.

The project has a close visual connection to one Paul Rustand and I did about 9 years ago called Lo-Fi in which we tried to make a graphic compilation album juxtaposing hollow and provocative lyrics from our favorite songs. However the production method was quite different. For the calendar I used completely digital methods but Lo-Fi was entirely done with letter press.

 Printing the title page with a broken record was one of my favorite moments.